Daniel Oldaker, known as Dandyman, offers an exceptional school show called "A Dandy Day," designed to inspire and empower students. Drawing from his personal experiences with bullying, Daniel uses circus, theater, and sports to teach kids how to overcome fears and build confidence. His dynamic performance combines humor, skill, and heart, providing an unforgettable experience that equips students with resilience and self-belief.
"A Dandy Day" not only entertains but also gives students practical ways to have a good day, regardless of what is happening in their lives at school or at home. The show includes a question-and-answer session and a juggling workshop, enhancing the interactive and educational experience.
Bring Dandyman to your school to captivate and motivate your students. Don't miss the opportunity to book this transformative experience.
"A Dandy Day" not only entertains but also gives students practical ways to have a good day, regardless of what is happening in their lives at school or at home. The show includes a question-and-answer session and a juggling workshop, enhancing the interactive and educational experience.
Bring Dandyman to your school to captivate and motivate your students. Don't miss the opportunity to book this transformative experience.